Thursday, April 3, 2014

CBN Claims Sweden Will Soon Be North Korea

By Elias Isquith 
From Salon 

Imagine a brutal, totalitarian nightmare regime that commits unspeakably sadistic acts of cruelty on an industrial scale and destroys its citizens’ hopes, families and lives without a second thought.
A decent description of North Korea today? Yes.
A chilling vision of Sweden’s dismal future? According to the Christian Broadcasting Network, also yes.
In a remarkable report broadcast on Wednesday, televangelist Pat Robertson’s CBN informed its audience that Sweden, long believed to be a healthy liberal democracy, was well on its way to becoming the Orwellian hellscape that is North Korea. And, as is so often the case (at least on CBN) it’s the p.c. police who are to blame — specifically, those p.c. police who are assigned to the Islamophobia and xenophobia precincts.
CBN reporter Dale Hurd had the big scoop. “Sweden has been compared to a couple of nations which also tried to build perfect societies,” he explains, “[like] North Korea and the Soviet Union.”
While Hurd was sure to note that, unlike in North Korea, in Sweden, the government is not able to seize you in the middle of the night and send you to a concentration camp and/or murder you on the spot, he also warned that if you have the wrong kind of opinions in Sweden, “your life could become very unpleasant.”

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