Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Scientists Detect Big Bang Echo

By Sarah Knapton
From The Telegraph

Astronomers have detected the first evidence of gravitational ripples which were sent out in the first second of the Big Bang. 

Space-time ripples left over from the Big Bang have been picked up for the first time by Harvard scientists.
Astrophysicists have been hunting for ‘primordial gravitational waves’ since they were predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity in 1916.
Today, after days of rumour and speculation, scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre announced they had recorded the first direct evidence of gravitational waves rippling through the infant universe.
"The implications for this detection stagger the mind,” said project leader Jamie Bock. “We are measuring a signal that comes from the dawn of time.”
Our universe burst into existence 13.8 billion years ago. Fractions of a second later, space and time were created, expanding exponentially in an episode known as 'inflation'.

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