Saturday, March 29, 2014

China Harasses Philippine Ship

From BBC News

Map of South China SeaJournalists on board a Philippine ship have witnessed a Chinese coast guard vessel trying to block access to a disputed shoal in the South China Sea.
The Chinese ship radioed to demand the crew turn around, or "take full responsibility" for their actions.
But the Philippine boat, ferrying food to troops stationed on the Second Thomas Shoal, managed to slip past.
The shoal is one of many flashpoints in the area, where several countries have overlapping territorial claims.
A crewman of the China Coast Guard vessel gestures at the Philippine Government vessel to move away as the latter tries to enter the Second Thomas Disputed ShoalsThe Chinese crew instructed the Filipinos to turn away
Philippine Marines and a local television reporter (L) gesture towards a Chinese Coast Guard vessel in the South China Sea March 29, Philippine crew members flashed peace signs at the Chinese vessel
A dilapidated Philippine Navy ship with Philippine troops anchored off Second Thomas Shoal, March 29
The Philippine boat slipped past the Chinese and reached their troops on a rusty beached vessel
China claims a U-shaped swathe of the sea - creating multiple overlaps with areas claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan.
The latest incident involves the Second Thomas Shoal, known as Ayungin in Manila and Ren'ai Reef in Beijing.
Philippine troops are stationed on a beached, rusting military ship on the shoal that analysts say has become a symbol of the country marking its territory.
Two weeks ago, Manila made a formal complaint to Beijing after a similar incident.
The latest confrontation was witnessed by more than a dozen journalists.
They had been invited by the Philippine military to board the government vessel to show alleged bullying by Chinese vessels in the area.
The Chinese foreign ministry condemned the Philippines for trying to "hype up" the issue, according to a statement quoted by Xinhua news agency.
The ministry accused Manila of trying to "illegally seize" the shoal.

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