Sunday, August 3, 2014

175 Dead In Chinese Earthquake

From Xinhua News

President Xi Jinping has called for saving people's lives first after a strong earthquake rattled southwest China's Yunnan Province Sunday and killed at least 175 people.

In instructions issued late Sunday night, Xi ordered that authorities concerned give top priority to saving people's lives, minimize casualties and guarantee a proper settlement for quake victims.

He called for all-out efforts in relief operation and strengthening aftershock monitoring to prevent secondary disasters.

Premier Li Keqiang also made instructions for disaster relief, urging local authorities to try every possible means to save the injured people and those buried in rubble.

He required that local authorities provide residents in quake zone with adequate food, clothes, clean drinking water, temporary shelters and timely medical treatment.

In addition, Li called for ensuring unblocked telecommunication and transport of relief supplies and staff. Social order in the quake zone should also be maintained.

The 6.5-magnitude quake struck at 4:30 p.m. Sunday (Beijing Time) with a depth of 12 km. The epicenter was in Longtoushan Township, 23 km southwest of the county seat of Ludian, Zhaotong City.
The quake has left at least 175 people dead, 1,400 others injured and 181 missing.

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