Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Senator Sanders Earn My Vote and Debate Me

Dear Senator Sanders,

I’m a progressive millennial from New York and you’ve lost my vote. I used to be fan, even a supporter, but now I find myself in opposition to your candidacy. However, I want to offer you the opportunity to win back my vote.

Although many of my friends have implored me to go to one of your rallies, I’m not interested in hearing you rehash the same old tire rhetoric you’ve been promoting throughout your campaign. Nor am I interested in re-reading your policy proposals.

If you want to win back my vote come and debate me.

Forget about Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich. It would be just the two of us and the issues. If you want to win back my vote, earn it by convincing me to vote for you. Find me in Queens at any time between now and April 19th.

I look forward to your response.


Justin Wax Jacobs